Messy Canvas

You are an artist. What will you create? 

Please purchase eCourse via the BUY NOW Button and SUBSCRIBE above with preferred email.
The first email will go out immediately after you sign up. Then you will receive one email once a week for a total of 5 weeks. Sign-ups CLOSE on Monday May 4, 2020.

During the eCourse, you can reply to any email to talk to me about your self-discoveries. Email correspondence is optional, but if you find it helpful, I would love to have a conversation with you as you process your artistry. 

5 Week eCourse
Sign-up by Monday, May 4, 2020!

WEEK ONE: Introduction - Fears, Adventures, Desires, and a Dare

I know, I know, you’re not an artist.

I know, I know, you’re not an artist. But what if you were?

I know, I know, you’re not an artist. But what if you were? What would you create?

I know, I know, you’re not an artist. But what if you were? What would you create if you were allowed to be messy in the process?


Ten years ago I wrote this content as an eBook. Recently I felt the desire to return to it, and upon reading it again, I felt it met me exactly where I am. This is the sort of cycle all artists return to again and again as long as we are evolving. 

So invite this eCourse into your life if you have a desire to call yourself an artist, but don't feel like you qualify. OR if you have called yourself an artist for quite some time, but find your creativity has become blocked in some way. You can embrace that truth in order to keep moving.

I personally am finding the word artist is expanding for me again and taking me into new territory that leaves me feeling like a beginner. While having a beginner's mind is great, it can also leave you feeling raw, vulnerable, silly, and exposed, just to name a few things. Messy Canvas is really about asking what your next creative desire is and then embracing the fears that are keeping you from it. 

One final thought: I really wrote this content with the belief that "artist" is a word to be used in the broadest sense. Therefore, don't be surprised if you think you being an artist means one thing, only to see your creative energy start to zip off in an unexpected direction as soon as you become unstuck. You need not feel pressure to specialize in any one kind of art. 

I am happy to be a listening ear, so you don't feel you are alone and trapped in a cycle of "I know I can do this, but what if I can't." More than anything this is a course to pull on your heart strings and dust off your soul song. It is a pep talk with the hope that I can get you supposing and then catapult you over, through and on beyond the wounds of past failure, hurt and fear. Just know, I'm right here with you. Practicing this Messy Canvas process again and again.

You ARE an artist. What will you create?